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I'm a Jesus Gangsta!! I love God, cherish bonds and I'm dangerous!!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

What brings you confidence?

Is it the way you look, your possessions, your grades or something other things that make you confident?

All these things are good, but as with life anything can change. The only thing that’ll never change is God and His Word.

When people have lived life getting off on their intelligence, sports skills, money, beauty and other things they might have, they do not know how to continue living, let alone live on the same high when they lose these things.

This is not the case when your confidence comes from God and His love for you, because that will never change!!

The need to prove yourself

Many will do anything just so they can feel like a part of a group. This is no way to live.

If you constantly have to do things so that a set of people think you’re cool/roll with you, then you are only wasting your time as there are no positive rewards from such an investment and you might even make mistakes that you might never be able to right again.

Whatever you do in the bid to be accepted will not change the truth. Going out of your way/hurting yourself to act like some other guys is only foolish.

If you can’t afford the same clothing or eat at the same restaurants, that doesn’t make you lesser than anyone.

It’s only wise that you live life for yourself according to your means and you Father’s (God’s).

We’re all on different paths in life. You don’t have to break your back to be friends with others. And there are people on this earth that would feel so blessed to have you in their lives.

Don’t try to be anyone else, seek to better yourself!!

Are you comfortable with yourself?

Many of us would boldly answer ‘yes’ to this question, step back and give it some thought.

Why do you do most of the things you do? Do you do them because that’s what you really want to do at the moment, your choice? Or do you do them because you are worried about what others might think of you if you did what you really wanted?

Except if something you want to do is really wrong or unacceptable behavior, there’s no reason to not act as you want because of how another might feel about you?

Doing things to feel better about yourself is not a healthy practice.

Wearing heels just so you look taller, talking about money like your dad grows it in your backyard, saying you’re not a virgin when you’re not even too comfortable talking with a lady just because your friends think it isn’t cool to be a virgin and other related issues are examples of such.

If you need to do anything to love yourself, slow down and have a rethink.
God loves you just the way you are, if you’re not changing for yourself or for God don’t do it for anybody.