What is failure really? In the world of today we use the world carelessly. There is this sense of “permanence” attached to FAILURE whenever it is used. There is a great difference between Temporary defeat and Failure.
Carrying a burdensome cross temporarily is not FAILURE. If you have the real seed of success within you, a little adversity and temporary defeat will only serve to nurture that seed and cause it to burst forth into maturity. Defeat, like a headache, warns us that something has gone wrong. If we are intelligent we look for the cause and profit by the experience. The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything. Do not be afraid of mistakes providing you do not make the same one twice.
Ultimately, nothing matters very much. The defeat that seems to break your heart today will be but a ripple among the waves of other experiences in the ocean of your life further ahead. Obviously, things matter but there is no need to attach strong emotions to disappointing events. It has happened, you have to get past it. God won’t let you go through anything you can’t handle. All the challenges we face work out in making us who we will become.
You won’t remember this one set back if you get in the habit of dealing with all setbacks appropriately. In the next 20years when you’ll have faced so many more setbacks and overcome them this will be but one.
At times like this, we want people to believe in us and come inspire us. But the habit of believing in yourself is what makes you a winner. God is with You!
There is a great difference between temporary defeat and failure. In every failure is the seed of an equal or greater achievement.
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
-Winston Churchill
Don’t compare yourself to anyone. We’re all on different paths.
If you don’t lose your joy, no one can stop you. No one! No matter how bad things might look/be, keep your joy. Nothing is too small or big for your source which is God.
You are a spirit being and sometimes the physical world is trying to catch-up with the spirit world so don’t let what you see move you. Believe what your Father has said about you, hold on to it and speak it with full faith entertaining no doubt.
It doesn’t matter what people say or do. The most important thing is what comes inside you and what comes out of you. You can control that. You can’t control others but you can control yourself.
As long as you don’t give up, lose your hope or joy, the fight is far from over. Don’t let anyone tell you when to stop fighting.
Truth known only to those who use their imagination is that the greatest reverses and misfortunes of life often open the door to golden opportunities.
We climb to heaven mostly on the ruins of our cherished plans, finding our failures were but friendly guide-posts that led us onward and upward to success.
You are fortunate if you have learned the difference between temporary defeat and failure, more fortunate still if you have learned the truth that the very seed of success is dormant in every defeat that you experience.
There is no FAILURE. That which seems to be failure is usually nothing but temporary defeat. Make sure you do not accept it as PERMANENT!!
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